Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Solymar Tan and Surf Lessons with Spa by Diane Loring in the press...

Check out today's newspaper article in Ventura Star.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Surfing Reel

I was asked recently to put together a quick movie about "myself." A friend of mine, Shea McIntee, put together this great video for me. I loved it and thought I would share it with everyone. Now let's hope the movie producers like it  ;)

Lightest pack job in my history

The hardest part of traveling is deciding which surfboards and clothing you are going to take with you. It's almost as difficult as a girl packing only one cute dress and a pair of high heel shoes. The problem with me is that I am not only a girl, but a girl who surfs! I love bringing not only multiple pairs of high heel shoes but as many surfboards as I can fit in one board bag with wheels. It can become a difficult process. I have been basically living out of a bag and traveling for the last five years of my life. I still can't ever get this process down. One too many pairs of shirts, dresses, shoes, bikinis, surfboards, brushes, hats etc. I always make the mistake of bringing too much. Then again, once I made the mistake of bringing too little  and I was the smelliest girl on the trip with the dirtiest t-shirts. (just kidding)

Today, I must say I figured it out. When you decide in life what works... you stick with it. Why change it? Right now, I am getting ready to board a 22 hour plane ride to the Maldives for a ten 10 boat trip. I am so excited to get on the plane and fly away to one of the most beautiful places on earth.  I'm not writing this to tell you about this fantastic trip, yet the fact that I have conquered my packing issues.  

Patagonia is the key. This may sound like they paid me to say this, but honestly it's the truth. I am taking three surfboards that are so light my board bag feels empty. I honestly feel so confident that one board would be perfect (yet I like the emergency back up) This is a first for me! In the past, I have struggled to lift my boardbag on my car alone and have knocked over innocent civilians in the airport. Not only is the weight a huge issue, try checking into a flight. Overweight luggage is a horrible factor these days. The amount of money I have paid in luggage fees is  enough for a down payment on a house. I have three great surfboards I love and they are going to be so ideal to travel with. I have one small roll away bag with several options of clothing. The best part of Patagonia clothing is that you can roll up all your dresses, shirts, skirts and when you a ready to wear them there will be no wrinkles. This is key, especially when you never know how nice you need to look. I have everything a traveling surfer girl will need from trunks and bikinis to a nice black dress. I even managed to squeeze in a extra pair of shoes ;)
