Thursday, July 22, 2010

BP Oil Spill thru my eyes


Great Fiji article I wrote and beautiful pictures...

click here...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gulf Report with Miss. local Pat Heidingsfelder

Pat was our guide on our trip to the gulf. He is a inspiration to all of us and a major part of the community in Gulf Port, Miss. Thanks Pat for your hard efforts down there!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Gulf through my eyes

The view from above
Save Our Sound Charity event
Signings to locals

Wildlife response center where we watched a pelican be cleaned
Fourth of July, 2010
Beaches still open, families and children playing with tar nearby
Part of our amazing and talented crew:
Pro Surfer Chuck Patterson
James "Eco Warrior" Pribram
Government agencies are always nearby watching our every step of the way
Captain Tom explaining the harsh reality of what is happening the Gulf waters
Cleaned birds are kept here until they release them. To where one might ask...I have no clue
One of the many stickers
BP workers taking a break: 20 min. on 40 off
What used to be a shrimp and fishing boat will soon be turned into a Vessel of Opportunity
vehicle...Well, that is if they can get into the program.
Local signs posted in front of homes, businesses and restaurants
A mock cemetery clearly explains it all
Drop your birds and go... bizarre, eerie, and sad
Welcome to Grand Isle, Louisiana
Oil and water clearly don't mix
Three days later this beach had tar covering it.
Who knows when this child will get to play on it again.
Chuck Patterson painting at the Save Our Sound fundraiser on July4.
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The best pictures are not released yet...check back for more soon!

Gulf Report 2010

Overview from above.. you can see the oil film
Restaurants already out of seafood
This says it all...
BP workers covering the beaches
Save Our Sound event, Chuck Patterson painting

Every minute passing means more beaches are covered in brown oily tar balls. Weather and winds fluctuate in all directions, pushing crude oil into new areas of fresh white sand beaches, covering sea animals, rivers and marshes. Fish are dying; crabs are now toxic, and mammals slowly are being poisoned. Three days ago today, the beach that I spent watching beautiful fireworks explode into the sky, is now spotted with tar, endless miles of boom and BP scouring the beach. The same beach I listened to families cheering and kids running around happily in celebration of our country's independence is the mirror opposite of the evening of July 4, 2010. The feeling of independence in the southern states has now vanished.

I don't even live in the Gulf and my mind was consumed minute after minute with mind-boggling questions. What is completely unsettling is one beach remains wide open with people swimming, while 100 feet away another beach is closed. Is this not the same ocean waters? Isn't it the same air we are breathing from one beach to another so close by? Who is in charge down here? What is our government doing to stop this?

One can only imagine how the fisherman, business owners and avid beach lovers are feeling. You honestly have no idea until you see it with your own eyes and hear the stories with your own ears what is really happening with this tragedy.

Gulf Port fisherman, Skipper Tom, put a lot in perspective for our crew. We were fortunate to sit with him for a morning as he explained what is honestly happening to the fisherman in the Gulf.

“We don’t know where our future is. People have no clue the magnitude of this spill and the effects it will have,” said Tom. “My son was going to take over my business in a few years and now I don’t think he can. I wanted to teach my grandson to fish and I don’t even know if that is possible for the future. It’s sad to think we know more about our universe than our oceans. I have over $145,000 in my boat with my credentials. Overnight, I have nothing.”

What seems to be commonality amongst people here is the aggravation of communication with BP. The hired BP workers are unfamiliar with the local waters they are paid to look after.

Skipper John explains in disgust, “These BP officials don’t know how to read swells, buoys or weather reports. They are hiring men for the Vessels of Opportunity program who can barely drive a boat. We have local fisherman who have been denied getting on this program that need the work.”

Skipper John is just one of the thousands of affected people we spoke with.

Just as the South’s economy was on the rise, they have been hit with yet, another disaster. Strange how our nation’s economic downfall and this oil spill are both manmade catastrophes. At least Katrina was a natural disaster where one could rebuild the physical elements of their life that were lost. At this point in time, the future is entirely unknown. So who is to blame in this situation? We easily point fingers at BP, our government and towards other people. The reality is, we are all to blame. It is time to stop blaming others and take matters into our own hands. We need to make changes to protect our Mother Earth, changes for this current generation and, most importantly, the future generations to come. My heart goes out to everyone affected by this tragedy.

Gulf Port, Miss. This beach is still open to swimming and tar is everywhere.
Rock jetty covered in oil
Grand Isle, Louisiana BP workers and miles of boom
Independence Day, 2010
Save Our Sound Benefit July 4, 2010