Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fuel.TV Interview and

Check out two new FUEL.TV articles.

Interview with Mary O called "Girl Action"

~How many girls do you know that can model, write books, start business, teach surfing and still rip harder than you? Not many, right? I didn’t either until I met Mary Osborne, from Ventura, California.

We caught up at the Venice Grind café last month and I have to confess I was expecting to meet someone different… Maybe the typical model who happens to like surfing or maybe the surfer chick who is cute and does modeling on the side. I was definitely wrong! Mary’s got her own thing going on. She is creating a unique style that has been catching my attention since the first time I’ve heard of her.

If you don’t know who she is, here it goes… And if you already do, chances are you will agree with me that there's something about Mary!

If you figure it out, please fill the editor in...

Interview by Paulo Dias Click Here to read entire interview.

And somehow I made the "Hottest Girls in Surfing in 2009" Pretty random and funny!

Liquid Salt Magazine Article

Great new article on Liquid Salt

Mary Osborne / More Waves

Mary Osborne is a gifted California surfer and model who is super-stoked on life and adven ture. Her rela tion ship with Patagonia allows her to travel and be an ambas sador for the envi ron ment. We caught up with Mary to ask her about her busy life.

What was your child hood like?
I had an amaz ing child hood. I was raised at Solimar Beach with my mother and father (who are still mar ried), my three older broth ers, my grand par ents who lived down the street and an entire neigh bor­hood that was like family.

When did you get your first surf board?
When I was 15, I saved up babysit ting money and bought my first surf board at Waveline Surf Shop in Ventura. I was so excited and I wish I still had that board today.

What was the feel ing you had when you first stood on a surf board?
It was a big rush of fun! I was so excited that I was actu ally stand ing and rid ing a wave. I was so proud of myself and at that moment I fell in love with surf ing. I wanted more waves!

Who did you look up to and admire when you were a young woman?
My three older broth ers were my inspi ra tion. I wanted to as good as them in and out of the water. I also loved Jessica Little (who was our local pro surfer girl here in Ventura) and Matty Slater because she ripped in the water as well.

What is your rela tion ship with Patagonia like?
I am very for tu nate to be with a com pany like Patagonia. I am what they call an “ambas sador” for the com pany on and off for the last 8 years. I help with prod uct design, test ing and surf mar ket ing. Patagonia has taught me so much in so many lev els. As I have got ten a bit older, or shall I say “more wise,” I have come to real ize what com pa nies I really want to be involved in and work with. It’s not about hav ing as many spon sors as pos si ble or the biggest pay checks any more. Now, it’s about want ing to be a part of a com pany that is carv ing new paths for the future, using inno v a tive core prod ucts and giv ing back to our environment.

Patagonia’s core phi los o phy and envi ron men tal aspects have blended into my every day life. I am learn­ing how to be more eco-friendly and how to make ben e fi cial choices for not only myself but our future gen er a tions. Patagonia has taught me to open my eyes to the world, live sim ply, play hard, work hard and be thank ful for every thing I have. I am very for tu nate to be work ing with such a suc cess ful com pany and have them sup port me in my surf ing world. I hope to con tinue to work with Patagonia for future years to come.

Of all the places you have trav eled to, what place in par tic u lar stands out and why?
Every place I have been to has some thing spe cial about it. I was just in Fiji two weeks ago and it was def i­nitely amaz ing. The surf had great poten tial in the remote islands we char tered around, but the lack of swell equaled small waves. We were aboard the boat Tui Tai doing a surf-humanitarian trip with four other pro surfer girls. We ended up vis it ing a tiny vil lage that had never had vis i tors the entire time they lived on the island. We shared a mem o rable day together danc ing, talk ing, shar ing sto ries, eat ing coconuts and fruit. We brought them gifts each girl donated and the Tui Tai boat wrote the head of the vil lage a check right there on the spot. It was pretty amazing!

Who/what inspires you?
Anyone who takes risks, chances and lives a pos i tive lifestyle.

What is the great est thing you have learned in your life?
Everyone is dif fer ent in so many ways, so I try not to judge and get to know them. You never know what you might learn from another per son or when you will cross paths with them again.

Do you have any regrets or wish you had done some thing dif fer ently?
There are only a few regrets I have, but they are not even worth talk ing about The only things are sim ple things and, hon estly, they are things that I can still do in life. For exam ple, I was asked to work on a boat char ter in Mexico and I said “no”. I really wish I would have said “yes” so I could have surfed amaz ing surf and learned more about boats, how they work, char ter ing, etc. I love boats and this would have been a real treat.

What are you most proud of?
Being able to travel the world surf ing. It was once just a dream as a young girl. I am very proud of the hard work I have put into my surf ing career and all the great things I have learned along the way.

What mean ing does surf ing hold for you and how has it changed your life?
Surfing is my entire life now. I live every day in and around the ocean. Surfing has shaped me in so many ways. I have learned so much about life and other cul tures through surf ing and trav el ing. Every adven ture opens my eyes to new things. I am extremely grate ful for what I have and don’t have. The chal lenges and risks I take have only made me a stronger, more edu cated and all-around a bet ter person.

What brings you the most hap pi ness in the world?
My fam ily and friends. Also, warm, mind less, per fect waves—but fam ily always first.

Who are some of the peo ple you feel are shap ing the path for surf ing today?
There are so many young male and female young surfers who are tak ing surf ing to an entirely new level. The tal ented abil i ties, new inno v a tive tricks, rid ing big ger waves, and all of the new shapes of surfboards.

What is in your cur rent quiver? What is cur rently your favorite board? Your favorite surf spot?
Favorite surf spot is in Ventura. My quiver con sists of clas sic sin gle fin long boards, high per for mance long boards, quads, fun shapes—and they are all in cute col ors. (Laughs)

Right now, I have two favorite Patagonia boards that Fletcher Chouinard shaped me. One is what we call a “Fark” (quad fun shape short board) and the other I call “Pinky” and it is my tri fin all-around long­board. I ride Pinky all the time; it’s not only cute, but works amaz ing in all sizes of surf!

What’s your favorite meal?
A healthy salad or I like to indulge in Mexican food.

What are you cur rently lis ten ing to on your iPod?
Ray Lamontagne, Steel Pulse, Paulo Nutini, Natalie Merchant, Todd Hannigan I lis ten to every thing and anything.

What are you most grate ful for?
Health, fam ily and the ocean.

What causes/organizations do you sup port?
I am involved in sev eral non-profits. I believe it is extremely impor tant to give back. I love peo ple, chil­dren and help ing those in need. I am apart of Free Wheelchair Mission, Boarding for Breast Cancer, Women’s Sports Foundation and sev eral oth ers. Every year I help host a “surf ing cruise ship”; all the pro­ceeds go to var i ous organizations.

What’s next for Mary Osborne?
It’s non stop right now, which is excit ing, and a lot of new things are on the hori zon. Besides work ing closely with my spon sors (Patagonia, Bettybelts,, I have started a new side busi ness Solymar Tan. I am set ting up surf camps and yoga retreats ( Hopefully still trav el ing this upcom ing year, writ ing for var i ous projects, maybe film ing a new TV documentary/reality surf show and, as of this morn ing, maybe work ing with Panama Jack ( on a few dif fer ent lev els. This next year is going to be an excit ing one and I am really look ing for ward to it! New adven tures, learn­ing more, surf ing, and being healthy!

More infor ma tion about Mary Osborne can be found here. Photography by Tim Burgess.

Friday, December 18, 2009

FUEL.TV interview

Great new interview for Fuel TV website....

Check it out at or on the homepage at

Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Aryana first time surfing...

Aryana Ashlie, 5 yrs old, from North Carolina. Here are some clips I put together of her surfing for her family to take back home with them. She was so cute and had a blast!

A message from her Mother: At five years old Aryana Ashlie loves to move and is fearless so when the opportunity came for her to paddle out with Mary Osborne she jumped at the chance. Being no stranger to speed, Aryana was relaxed and took her cues from Mary out in the ocean. When asked how it felt being on the board she said, "It was so much fun and when we stood up we went fast, really, really fast. The goodest part was falling down at the end. You get your hair wet then pop right up and if a big wave comes you can jump over it. It was awesome with Mary and cool and funny. I was brave because Mary would never let go of me."

Check out my new surf camp website at It's a work in progress. I am teaching myself how to do websites right now.

Cheers! one...3 hours...a long journey ahead

A women's soft voice whispered in my ear "Mary, wake up. We are here. We have landed."

I opened my eyes slowly and took a gaze outside my window. It was true. I had finally arrived in Fiji.

I remember boarding the flight in complete exhaustion from my busy week prior in Ventura. I walked down the aisle of Air Pacific's flight 811 where I found myself awarded the very last seat in the plane parallel to the toilets. A lovely Fijian woman took her seat next to me and began telling me her life story. Her Fijian accented voice was soft , subtle and sweet. Her green eyes were glowing brightly amongst her tanned sun-kissed skin. She had been visiting the US because one of her 5 children was attending University in San Diego. She proceeded to tell me how much she loved the US and how lucky we are to live here. I agreed with her but honestly all I could think about was how awful of a check in I had combined with the hustle and bustle of the LAX airport frenzy. As she continued to speak, I envisioned crystal clear water refreshing my pale skin, green palm trees blowing in the wind, perfect Fijian swells and the next 14 days of pure bliss aboard the Tui Tai. Our conversation banter continued about an hour before we finally lifted off the runway. The last thing I remember her telling me was, " Mary, you are going to the island of Nami. It is sacred, magical and identifies beautiful." Suddenly my eyelids began to feel heavy, my attention slowly faded and I was out like a light.

Our crew consists of 5 female surfers, two photographers (one from LA and one from National Geographic Magazine), Tim the tour guide, a female yoga instructor, one family vacationing with us and apparently 18 staff members aboard the 140 foot yacht known as the Tui Tai.

We are currently sitting in a local hotel getting to know one another, reading magazines, sipping on Fiji Water, cyber spacing, and killing time before we head onto our next adventure. Due to the large amount of surfboards and equipment we cannot take a small inter island flight to our destination. We will be enjoying our first sights of Fiji by a 3 hour taxi ride followed by a 13 hour ferry ride. If all goes as planned we will be boarding the Tui Tai sometime tomorrow morning, November 24th, Fijian time.

Check out the gorgeous boatt

Ill try to email again soon but I doubt I will have much reception after this point.

Bula and Cheers!


Friday, July 17, 2009

Peirpont Hotel Surf Packages

I have recently teamed up Pierpont Racquet Club and Inn with Surf-Spa-Sleep packages.

The Californian

Need a little fun in the sun? Learn to ride the waves with surf lessons by professional surfer Mary Osborne and spend the day enjoying the sun, sand and surf that only California can offer. After a thrilling day at the beach, return to the Pierpont Inn for a restful nights sleep in one of our beautiful guestrooms and in the morning feast on a delicious breakfast while overlooking the ocean at Austen’s.
  • One night accommodations
  • Upgrade to an ocean view if available
  • Breakfast for two in our ocean view restaurant
  • 1 ½ hour surf lessons with Mary Osborne, professional surfer
  • Board and wet suit provided
  • $299.00 (double occupancy)
  • Reservations need to be booked by calling the hotel.
  • Two weeks advance reservations are required.

We also include full spa treatments. Please email or call for more information

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Solymar Tan and Surf Lessons with Spa by Diane Loring in the press...

Check out today's newspaper article in Ventura Star.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Surfing Reel

I was asked recently to put together a quick movie about "myself." A friend of mine, Shea McIntee, put together this great video for me. I loved it and thought I would share it with everyone. Now let's hope the movie producers like it  ;)

Lightest pack job in my history

The hardest part of traveling is deciding which surfboards and clothing you are going to take with you. It's almost as difficult as a girl packing only one cute dress and a pair of high heel shoes. The problem with me is that I am not only a girl, but a girl who surfs! I love bringing not only multiple pairs of high heel shoes but as many surfboards as I can fit in one board bag with wheels. It can become a difficult process. I have been basically living out of a bag and traveling for the last five years of my life. I still can't ever get this process down. One too many pairs of shirts, dresses, shoes, bikinis, surfboards, brushes, hats etc. I always make the mistake of bringing too much. Then again, once I made the mistake of bringing too little  and I was the smelliest girl on the trip with the dirtiest t-shirts. (just kidding)

Today, I must say I figured it out. When you decide in life what works... you stick with it. Why change it? Right now, I am getting ready to board a 22 hour plane ride to the Maldives for a ten 10 boat trip. I am so excited to get on the plane and fly away to one of the most beautiful places on earth.  I'm not writing this to tell you about this fantastic trip, yet the fact that I have conquered my packing issues.  

Patagonia is the key. This may sound like they paid me to say this, but honestly it's the truth. I am taking three surfboards that are so light my board bag feels empty. I honestly feel so confident that one board would be perfect (yet I like the emergency back up) This is a first for me! In the past, I have struggled to lift my boardbag on my car alone and have knocked over innocent civilians in the airport. Not only is the weight a huge issue, try checking into a flight. Overweight luggage is a horrible factor these days. The amount of money I have paid in luggage fees is  enough for a down payment on a house. I have three great surfboards I love and they are going to be so ideal to travel with. I have one small roll away bag with several options of clothing. The best part of Patagonia clothing is that you can roll up all your dresses, shirts, skirts and when you a ready to wear them there will be no wrinkles. This is key, especially when you never know how nice you need to look. I have everything a traveling surfer girl will need from trunks and bikinis to a nice black dress. I even managed to squeeze in a extra pair of shoes ;)


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Sounds of the INDY 500

Indy 500 with HER Energy Drink

I had one of the most fun experiences I have had in a while. I have briefly been working with the new energy drink geared for women called HER. I love the taste, what the brand embodies and the cute hot pink packaging. I had no idea that this little obsession I had with this drink was going to lead me to the INDY 500. 

 I received a phone call from the head of marketing asking me if I wanted to come meet the company at the Indy 500. HER was sponsoring the "hot pink"  indy car #99 with the driver, Alex Lloyd. Without hesitation, I cancelled my weekend appointments and jumped a overnight flight to Indianapolis. I had no clue what to expect and I knew nothing about racing. I arrived in the airport with a town car waiting and was taken to the Hilton Hotel. HER energy was all over the hotel lobby. Signs, posters, pink ribbons hanging and workers all dialed in marketing gear. It was then I  realized I was in for a real treat. 

After resting for a few hours, I headed back to the lobby where I met Paul Tate, a TV producer as well as a bunch of down to earth celebrities. I thought for sure everyone knew each other. Come to find out we are all on the same page. No one has ever seen a Indy race and it was a first to Indiana for all. These elements allowed our group of collective actors, actresses, producers and friends mesh easily. We all shared our stories as we headed over to the Gnassi racing headquarters.

I have never really thought about racing before. I knew it was a big sport. I knew it was cool to say you are a "race-car driver" and that is about it. I didn't realize the love of the sport and what actually goes on behind the television screen when building a actual Indy car. The Gnassi headquarters opened my eyes to racing. The tour we took allowed us to see the actual making of a vehicle. There are rooms specifically designed for creating nuts and bolts, rooms for gears, airbrush painting, wheels, and so forth. Our tour was about a hour long and ended with introduction to the famous drivers who have one the Indy 500 in the past. I was fascinated with not only the manufacturing of the vehicles, but the size of the Indy drivers. They are tiny. I sat in one of the cars and couldn't even fit my behind in the car. It was hilarious!

The evening started out with a great dinner in our luxury hotel restaurant. Bottles of vino flowed around the table as we all shared our stories. Sometimes I realize how blonde I really am when I don't realize who celebrities are. I honestly don't pay attention half the time so I couldn't even tell you who was with us. I just know they are all very talented people. 
After dinner we proceeded to a few parties in downtown Indianapolis. The Playboy party was hilarious. Sexy little bunnies danced around the dance floor in between the stars of "Dancing with the Stars." I couldn't stop cracking up and before I knew I was right in the mix.

The morning quickly came and I have to admit I was dragging a little bit. We jumped in our limo bus and was police escorted into the racetrack. I thought it was a  joke when we were told we had police escorts but it wasn't. Sirens were blasting as we drove in and out of oncoming traffic while dodging pedestrians. Fans flocked the streets and vender's tents flooded the entire inside of the track. I have never scene anything like this before. It was the biggest racetrack I have ever laid eyes on.  It made the US Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach look pathetic. Being only 5'4, it was so easily for me to get lost. My eyes were on actor Omar Miller and his 6-5 tall body hoping not to loose our crew. Before I knew it I was in our suite watching the racers gear up and ready to rock. Crowds yelled, screamed and clapped throughout the  National Anthem as the B-25 Bombers flew above. I had chills and tears in my eyes.

 "Racers start your engines..." The sound of the cars are like nothing I have ever heard. Earplugs barely do the trick and the television doesn't do this sporting event justice. Our box was located on the final turn of the race track: Final turn= crashes. Yes, we saw them all. It was shocking and scary, yet disturbingly exciting. My only pre Indy races I had seen before were at the Ventura Fairgrounds. Every summer Saturday night my friends and I gather together to watch the box cars...not quite the same I know. Here we bet dollar bills, drink beer, scream at the cars to go faster while enjoying the dirt in our faces. The Indy was just slightly different. There we bet with $20.00's and $100's, drink fancy cocktails,  and the word "fast" is a understatement. 

I could go on and one about this fantastic event. It was truly a honor to be apart of the HER crew. Everyone must go and watch this event once in their lifetime. It was a blast!!!  I think I should have been Danika Patrick.....  jk

Brett "Owner" Her energy and actor Gilles Marini
slightly crowded

opposite side of far away
Drivers being escorted in

Police Escort

Our limo bus

Gnassi Headquarters

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Channel Islands Press Trip

This weekend I was invited to join a few magazine editors for a fun kayaking trip to the Channel Islands. Editors from Sunset Magazine, Viv, Sky West and Arroyo Seco Journal were here checking out my hometown of Ventura.  I don't think it is because of my surfing background that I get invited on these trips anymore. I honesty love Ventura probably more than any oneI know here in the town. I have been fortunate enough to travel around the world a few times and back, but I still always find myself loving my hometown the best. 
We boarded the Island Packers "cattle" boat around 8am. Fog slowly lifted as we cruised the glassy waters for about an hour n half till we reached Scorpion Bay. Sun reflected off the crystal clear water, the hills were glowing green and several unique birds flew above us. We kayaked with our own personal guide for four fun hours. The swells were out of the south, which almost had me wishing I was surfing, but my mind continued to be intrigued by our guide's humorous stories and the beautiful surroundings. We enter four major caves which was quite exciting. I have never kayaked for this long of a duration in my lifetime. Just as I was getting sick of it, another cave would pop up. We timed our entrance with the swells as they pushed us from side to side on the rock walls. I managed to get the nose of my kayak stuck in a rock which was quite embarrassing and made my heart race with adrenaline. One would think a surfer has some sort of kayaking skills, but honestly I have only used a kayak to get to and from. It was hilarious. Needless to say, it was a blast!

We left the island with huge smiles on our faces. On the way home we gathered our thoughts  and shared stories with one another. Just when we thought the trip was over, Mother Nature blessed us with some beautiful creatures. Dolphins and whales surrounding the ship. It's funny, no matter how many times in my life I have seen these sea creatures, I am still as excited as a kid in a candy store. I, along with the rest of the tourists aboard, pulled out my iphone camera and snapped a few pics. 

Check out the pics below and make sure to pay a visit to the islands sooner than later. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So cute!

I just couldn't help but post this great picture. Future rippers!!!  What a fun week we had together. I am planning all girls surf weeks again for this summer. Let me know if you or anyone you know would like to join in. (Age varies depending on specific dates)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Solymar Airbrush Tan

Yes, the rumors are true...I have started a small side business:  Solymar Airbrush tanning. 

About 6 months ago I was attending a formal event in LA. As I put on my gorgeous black dress, I looked down at my legs and thought to myself, "Boy I am so white." It was the middle of winter here in Ventura and I had not been traveling due to a job I took teaching kids to surf at Cate High School. Long story short, I decided to go get a spray tan. I searched online for a place to do this and found a salon in Camarillo. It took me a total of 45 mintues to drive out there, get sprayed and come home. I looked amazing! I was totally blown away at how great, healthy and bronzy my skin looked. The best party about this was that I didn't just ruin my skin laying in the sun all day or a tanning bed. 

A few months went by and I decided to go again to get sprayed for another event. This time I took a girlfriend with me because she wanted to try it. Once again, I was blown away by how amazing it looked and received several compliments from people about my skin.  As the tan wore off, I began to do some research about this so called "airbrush tanning."  So many questions raced through my head. "Was it safe? Does it ever make you orange? Will it streak?" and the biggest question of all time, "How come no one does mobile spray tanning in Ventura?"  After obsessing for a few months and endless hours of research, I decided to take a class in L.A.  Before I knew it I was  trained, certified and ready to spray. I was in love with the idea of a "healthy tan." No more sunburns (except I do travel a lot to foreign hot countries), peeling, tanning beds etc.  Let's face it (girls who are reading this) everyone loves to have a healthy looking tan. Right?????

So check out my final piece at   This is my first website that I have ever created and it is a fun work in progress. I have been booked everyday since I was certified. It is amazing!  

David Pu'u Blog

I just wanted to personally thank David Pu'u for all his hard work, generosity and loyalty. I so appreciate you helping me throughout the years!!!!  The blog you wrote on me was so sweet and brought tears to my eyes. Boy, we have done a lot of random and beautiful images throughout the year huh?

Check out David's blog that is updated regularly at

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Filmore Skate Park Grand Opening

It was a super exciting day in Filmore today with the opening of their first skate park. I was totally blown away at how many people from old to young were at the event skating the bowls, watching and supporting fellow skaters. Pros such as Sean Edwards, Michael Early, and Jeff Tatum were demonstrating their skills for the crowd. One of my new favorite old school skaters, Brad Edwards, was dominating on his longboard skateboard. It completely made me want to learn how to ride skateboards. So skilled, smooth and stylish. To top it off, legendary skater, Tony Alva, was there not only skating but singing in his band G.F.P.

Brad Edwards taking a break.
The bigger bowl

Cutting the official ribbon

Friday, March 20, 2009

Filmore Skate Park Grand Opening

If you happen to be in or around Filmore this weekend please come on by!

The City of Filmore CA will be celebrating the Grand Opening of the recently completed Filmore Skate Partk on March 21 from 11-4PM. The schedule of events include the official ibbon cutting, introduction of professional riders, pro rider demonstrations,  swag raffles, live bands, In and Out truck and a special showing of "Lords of Dogtown," at the Towne Theater.

Appearances by Tony Alva, Per Welinder, Jeff Tatum, Brad Edwards, Mike York, Sean Murphy, Michael Early, Skate Lab, Sk8 Mafia, Mary Osborne and NHSSA Filmore Sk8 Team.

Perfoming life at the event is Tony Alva'a band GFT along with Ellavation.

Thursday, March 12, 2009 Q&A is up

My Question and Answers page is up and running on 

Click here and start asking anything you want...well not anything  ;)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Looking for a new way to communicate on your website. Check out for a fun, interactive social network widget. I have recently teamed up with Blipback to help do some video commentating. Let me hear your thoughts!

Hope to see you all soon!



Check out the latest feature in USA TODAY Newspaper...


Thanks Charlie for your help!

Sunday, February 8, 2009 "Girls Scorpion Bay Trip"

Check out the latest trip to Scorpion Bay on SurferMag website. Six girls, several surfboards of all shapes and sizes, perfect waves, warm weather and lots of smiles!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ventura Star Newspaper interview

I was able to raise more money through awareness with this article that ran. Wahoo! Thanks for all who supported me. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

OC Register

Check out the latest article in the OC register. Be sure to check out Free Wheelchair Mission donation site and give back!

Click to see the full article:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mary O in interview

Check out the latest interview with Mary on

Happy 2009 everyone!